Many organizations are unknowingly at risk of a devastating security breach. Why?  - Continued reliance on common vulnerability assessment tools that only provide a
one-time static snapshot of risk, resulting in an inaccurate view of the organization’s security posture.
serious flaw

Information security leaders are often overwhelmed and frustrated with mountains of vulnerability assessment report data which present challenges in deciphering the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk. When asked, many are not fully confident that the vulnerability assessment tool is properly reconciling results over time, creating doubt and unanswered questions in the minds of those dedicated to defending against a devastating breach. A recent study conducted by Digital Defense revealed some startling statistics.


Host characteristics for server machines change at the following rate over a 3 month period:

  • IP Address – 4%
  • NetBIOS Hostname – 34%
  • DNS Hostname – 46%


Potential impact?

A network with 1,000 hosts could potentially lead to 460 variances resulting in significant resources to research and address inaccurate vulnerabilities.  This type of scenario is not uncommon and many security practitioners say they can’t effectively manage the vast volume of data with so much erroneous data present within the reports.

DDI is doing what others are not - leveraging a nextgen algorithm and advanced reconciliation to further support our commitment to customers and our mission to provide improved security.