Cybersecurity in a Changed World: 2022 Cybersecurity and the Rising Role of MSPs

By Fortra Staff

The harsh realities of 2020 and 2021 have forced businesses across sectors to accept vast amounts of change in a short amount of time. Face-to-face operations are no longer the norm and technology-driven strategies are essential for survival.

Ensuing digital transformations have businesses investing in technology more than ever. Many of them are looking to managed service providers (MSPs) to help shepherd them through this continued digital renaissance as we begin 2022.

In this webinar, Digital Defense VP of Product Strategy, Mieng Lim discusses some of the key cybersecurity predictions for 2022, how they affect MSPs, and how MSPs must respond to be successful. Predictions include:

• New Laws and Regulations
• Heightened Cyberthreat Landscape
• Changes in Market and Organizational Behavior

About Digital Defense

Our SaaS platform supports Fortra Vulnerability Management, Web Application Scanning, and Active Threat Sweep that together provide:

  • Asset discovery and tracking
  • OS and web application risk assessment
  • Targeted malware threat assessment
  • Machine learning features that leverage threat intelligence
  • Agentless & agent-based scanning
  • Penetration testing for networks, mobile applications, and web applications
  • Compliance management. One of the world’s longest tenured PCI-Approved Scanning Vendors

Our SaaS platform virtually eliminates false-positives associated with legacy vulnerability management solutions, while also automating the tracking of dynamic and transient assets and prioritizing results based on business criticality.

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