Digital Defense, Inc. Enters 3rd Decade: Award-Winning Cybersecurity Technology Distinguishes Company
Digital Defense, Inc. Enters 3rd Decade: Award-Winning Cybersecurity Technology Distinguishes Company
As important a role as computers play in our workplaces, we don’t often think about the companies that keep computer systems and networks “healthy” and enable organizations to keep their operations running securely and at peak performance. However, in our current environment, now more than ever it is essential persons have access to safe, reliable and secure computing.

It might be surprising to learn that one of the premier cybersecurity firms in the U.S. is based here in San Antonio and has been a pioneer in the industry for two decades. Founded in 1999 and commencing operations in 2000, Digital Defense, Inc. has developed patented leading-edge security technology and established a supportive role in the San Antonio community. The company employs some of the industry’s most experienced cybersecurity talent, and has a commitment to nurturing the education and training of high school and college students interested in cybersecurity careers. Click here to continue reading article.

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