Frost & Sullivan on Vulnerability Management and Fortra VM

Vulnerability management is one of the most foundational issues companies should address as it relates to the very core of business maintenance. See how Fortra Vulnerability Management aligns with Frost & Sullivan’s best practices.

Read Frost & Sullivan’s White Paper on Vulnerability Management

In the face of the security professional shortage and the dynamic threat landscape, countless security applications and platforms tout themselves to be the “ONE” to fix all your security needs. Despite all the promises, organizations are still experiencing compromises. Frost & Sullivan’s Vulnerability Management white paper provides guidance on these issues and takes a deep dive into Fortra VM.

In this white paper you will learn:

  • Why vulnerability management should be the foundation of every cybersecurity program
  • The business challenges and best practices for vulnerability management
  • How the Fortra Vulnerability Management aligns with Frost & Sullivan’s best practices

Sign-up to download your free copy today.

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